Case study

Discretionary Support for Business Interruption Without a Physical Flood Claim

A group of kids lay on the ground forming a circle
A girl play with the dollhouse


After a severe flooding event, a business found itself unable to operate—not because of damage to their building or contents, but because floodwaters blocked access to the property. This unexpected business interruption caused financial strain, as the business was forced to close temporarily.

However, because the property had not sustained physical damage, the policy terms did not allow for a business interruption claim.

Recognizing the centre’s genuine hardship, a discretionary decision was made to compensate for the loss of income caused by the access issue, even though there was no active flood claim.


Understanding the financial impact of this event, the Discretionary Trust team reviewed the claim and the circumstances. Recognizing the centre’s genuine hardship, a discretionary decision was made to compensate for the loss of income caused by the access issue, even though there was no active flood claim.


  • Compensation Provided: The centre received financial support for the temporary interruption to their business.

  • No Policy Amendment Required: The discretionary nature of the decision allowed the right support to be offered without needing a specific flood damage clause in the policy.

This decision enabled the business to recover financially and continue providing its vital community service.

Is your childcare centre prepared for the unexpected? Partner with an insurance provider that understands your needs and offers discretionary support. Get in touch today for a tailored insurance solution.

* The business's name has been redacted from the case studies to protect their privacy.
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