Case study

How this local Community Centre Saved Hundreds and Gained Peace of Mind with Better Insurance Coverage

BBPS Botany Bay Pre-School


The case of a proud community centre

Early Learning Solutions (Au) was introduced to a small centre and kindergarten with solid community ties based in outer South-West Sydney. Since opening its doors some years ago, the centre has provided essential care and education services to the community’s children, become a well-known local employer and established a solid reputation.

While the centre had cared for the community for years, it needed someone to look out for it. Seeking a comprehensive review, the centre sought our assistance.


Insurance policies can sometimes read like a lot of technical jargon and fine print, with few options available to the insured. Not with us. Upon reviewing the centre’s former insurance policy, our specialist insurance provider immediately identified low coverage limits and under-insurance in some critical risk areas, like personal accidents. This all meant that despite compliantly paying its insurance for years, the centre faced significant financial risks if accidents or damages occurred.

Despite a five to ten-fold increase in some covers and the addition of a new cover, the centre was still able to secure premium savings commencing immediately.
A group of children play with blocks


The right advice is peace of mind

  • Increasing the Accidental Damage Cover tenfold, from $50,000 to $500,000, ensuring the centre could adequately cover the repair, replacement or rebuild costs in the event of damage caused by fire, storm or explosions.

  • Increasing the Theft Cover fivefold, from $50,000 to $250,000, providing the centre, located in outer Sydney, with added security against the loss or damage caused by theft.

  • Increasing the Theft Cover fivefold, from $50,000 to $250,000, providing the centre, located in outer Sydney, with added security against the loss or damage caused by theft.

  • Increasing the Machinery Breakdown and Spoilage of Goods Cover tenfold, from $5,000 to $50,000, meaning in the event of breakdowns affecting essential equipment, such as refrigerators or air-conditioning units, the centre can quickly cover the repair/replacement costs, as well as recover losses from spoiled food or supplies.

  • And finally, adding Personal Accident Cover to the policy. Previously uninsured, adding this cover ensured that staff members and volunteers were protected against injuries sustained on-site, translating to further peace of mind!


Substantial Savings with Greater Coverage

Despite a five to ten-fold increase in some covers and the addition of a new cover, the centre was still able to secure premium savings commencing immediately. Not only that, but it now has a trusted contact at Early Learning Solutions (Au) that reaches out annually to review its policy, provide further recommendations, and renew seamlessly and on time each year. The centre can now go back to caring for what matters; the community’s children.

Whether you are a single-site or multi-site childcare owner or operator, compare your insurance policy today with our partnered insurance specialists for a no-obligation insurance review and quote.

* The business's name has been redacted from the case studies to protect their privacy.
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