Beyond Early Learning originated from Scotch College Adelaide, bringing a strong educational background into the childcare sector. However, as they ventured into this new industry, they faced unfamiliar financial and administrative challenges that needed expert guidance.
Transitioning from an educational institution to the childcare sector required Beyond Early Learning to adopt new financial practices and tools. They needed support in managing inter-entity transactions between Scotch College and their childcare operations to ensure proper recording and compliance. Furthermore, there was a need to become more independent and reduce reliance on the school for financial and administrative support.
Beyond Early Learning successfully transitioned into the childcare industry with a robust financial framework. They gained control over their finances and operations, resulting in increased confidence and stability.
Early Learning Solutions provided comprehensive support in their transition. We assisted with the adoption of childcare software tailored to their needs, ensuring smooth integration into their daily operations. We managed the inter-entity transactions with Scotch College, setting up a system for accurate recording and reporting of these transactions. To promote their financial independence, we also implemented bookkeeping practices and workflows tailored to the childcare sector, reducing their reliance on the school's administrative systems.